What Others are Saying

It’s about creating a fair economy that promotes competition, helping as many people as possible build their dreams.
It’s about the millions of consumers worldwide who are hurt by Apple’s policies intended to shield their destructive impact on the global economy.
But don’t just take it from us–take it from the companies, creators and lawmakers speaking out on this issue.

This fight isn’t just about Spotify.

It definitely hurts our business [not being native], and we’re just absolutely praying and pushing that something gets done to resolve this situation and end Apple’s monopolistic and predatory behavior.” (For the Record Podcast)
CP Carl Pei,
CEO, Nothing
It’s clever, it reduces competition, but I think as the most valuable tech company in the world you should be able to compete on other things.” (Nothing YouTube)
AK Sen. Amy Klobuchar
U.S. Senate
This, to me, cries out for some rules of the road, because monopolies will do what monopolies want to do, and it hurts people eventually.” (PBS)
MV Margrethe Vestager
European Commissioner for Competition
It’s about our choice as consumers… it should also be possible for you just to have a direct relationship with your service provider… without the 30% Apple service fee…” (CNBC)
OG Lord Offord of Garvel
U.K. House of Lords
[The UK Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill] will be vital in driving growth, innovation and productivity and in protecting consumers.” (Apple Insider)
TB Thierry Breton
European Commissioner for Internal Market
…We also have many questions on Apple’s new business model for app stores… And if our investigations conclude that there is lack of full compliance with the DMA, gatekeepers will face heavy fines.” (European Commission)
SYC Stéphanie Yon-Courtin
European Parliament Committee Chair
Apple cannot continue to move their fees around to deter competition and avoid giving better deals to EU consumers. If we don’t want that to set a precedent for the DMA,  the Commission should not accept Apple’s behavior and should punish these circumvention tactics!” (X)
DK Daisuke Korenaga
Tohoku University Professor
Competition is hardly visible in the smartphone OS market, because of an effective duopoly by the two firms. Apple and Google control competitive behavior and user’s choice in their own ecosystems, so if (the new regulations) can create open doors in the walls surrounding their ecosystem, it would attract new competitors, facilitate innovation and possibly lower prices for app users.” (Japan Times)
RB Sen. Richard Blumenthal
U.S. Senate
Apple’s ironclad grip on the iPhone & mobile market clearly raises prices on consumers & undercuts the next generation of tech rivals.” (X)
MG Merrick Garland
U.S. Attorney General
Consumers should not have to pay higher prices because companies violate the antitrust laws. If left unchallenged, Apple will only continue to strengthen its smartphone monopoly.” (U.S. DOJ)
Lisa Monaco
U.S. Deputy Attorney General
No matter how powerful, no matter how prominent, no matter how popular — no company is above the law.” (Axios)